Thursday, June 7, 2012


pregnancy questionnaire.

how far along? although i am 29 weeks today, this is a post about being 28 weeks.
weight gain: 20.
maternity clothes? i have only bought one pair of maternity pants and never wear them because they don't have the big belly band. so thanks to amy i now have a few pairs of really comfy maternity pants. which are only worn occasionally. i usually just wear my XL sweat pants like i did before i was prego. and i have bought some maxi skirts which i love wearing they are so so comfy. shirts, i just wear what i have.
stretch marks? i have these red veins lookin things around my belly but i am not sure that they are stretch marks.
sleep? what is that? i am not joking last night was the worst night ever! i think i got one hour of sleep the whole night. no matter what position i was in my right arm fell asleep, so annoying. and have i mentioned that i really need some sleep?
best moment of the week: also last night. this boy was kicking like crazy and just decided to leave his leg extended and when i felt my belly i could feel his foot. insta smile! i love him so much already.. sleep or no sleep!
miss anything? i really miss running outside in the sun and working out. hopefully after this baby is out i will remember i said this and lose that before mentioned 20 lbs quickly! ( + some)
food cravings? anything that i don't have to cook. i never really enjoyed cooking but now i would almost rather not eat then have to cook something. oh, and i love sweet things. i.e. eggos, whipped cream, candy, cake.. i have serious sweet tooth which is weird because before i was pregnant i rarely craved sweet things.
anything making you sick? i am so glad the majority of the sickness has come and gone!
gender: boy. this week jordan called the baby beckitt. last week it was jameson. ha!!
labor signs: none. hopefully it stays that way for a few more weeks!
belly button? still in. its like a gaping hole it has stretched so much. i am curious to see if it pops out.
wedding ring? still on. getting tighter!
happy or moody most of  the time? moody. sorry guys.
looking forward to? seeing what this boy looks like! holding him. laying on my tummy to sleep. not worrying about less movement. (i probably should stop looking at the internet. everywhere i turn there is a sad story about a mom losing her babe.) naming this guy. smelling him! i think one thing i am so excited for is seeing jordan with him. can't wait!


  1. if that boy has his dads legs you must have been uncomfortable with it extended! can't wait to meet jameson beckitt!

  2. oh hey. remember how you are the cutest preg. and secretly i hope your babe is your twin. because you are the cutest. and lets be friends. and i'll make you cupcakes. k??? because i'm trying a new recipe and hope their good and can't really eat them all myself. but to eat them. we must get together. so let me know when. k???

  3. oh I can't wait to see and sniff him too! LOL! squeeeeeal!
