Friday, January 20, 2012


...we are having a baby!! we are so excited! baby bowden will be here around august 25th. we have been to the doctor twice and have seen the babe and its heartbeat both times.

the ultrasound on the right is @
7 weeks and the one on the left is
@ 9 weeks.

we can't wait to find out if its a boy or girl. i have mixed feelings. somedays i think its a girl and other a boy. we will be happy either way! we are so grateful to be pregnant and are looking forward to august!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

merry christmas and happy new year

christmas was good this year. different, but good. my parents spent christmas with my brother in california, it just wasn't the same!

we did have tons of parties/activities, i was awful at taking pictures.

1. christmas eve @ grandma lunds. (j's grandma)

2. christmas morning breakfast @ our house.
no pictures :(
my dad usually makes breakfast christmas morning and since he wasn't here i thought i would make it and invite the bowden's over. i made eggs, potatoes and chili verde.. yummy but not the same as when my dad makes it!

3. christmas dinner @ the bowden's.
bob and kay always make a delicious prime rib dinner.

i look like i weigh 300 lbs.
don't judge, its the only
picture from that night!

4. christmas with the durans @ our house.
we had my family over to our house when they came home from cali. loved having them home to celebrate!

5. christmas party @ ammies.
yes we had 100 parties
yes we made christmas a 2 week event!
our present from ammie. i have
been waiting for my homemade stockings!
one of my favorite presents!

6. new years.
me and jordan went to dinner and over to a friends house. very low key but fun. i fell asleep at 10 but woke up just in time to give my boy a kiss!

i hope everyone has had a great start to the new year! we have! i don't usually set/write down any resolutions because like most they are the same every year (lose weight etc.) and i never end up really following through the whole year. but this year i would like to work on :
1. cooking more. (ha... hasn't happened yet but maybe next month.)
2. reading more, at least 4 books this year. (im not a reader so this is a lot!)
3. doing the dishes before bed at night.
4. do some sort of service once a month.
5. be happy. not that i am not happy. but sometimes i think... if only i could get this done or do this or be skinnier or ya know?? i want to be more happy and have a better attitude all of the time, because life is short.

happy new year everyone! 2012 is going to be a good good year!