Sunday, August 21, 2011

our house.

this is our house. well the outside anyway. i still would like to post the inside before and after pics. one day.
i love my house. i am so grateful we found it. our lot is .44 acres and i don't think i will ever be able to have a small yard. we love it. our dogs love it! when i think about selling it one day, it makes me so sad.

our FIRST home.

one of our front flower beds.
i never knew how much i would
love gardening. thanks to kay and bob,
for buying our flowers and to ammie, and her mad
gardening skills for helping me plant
ALL my flowers. my great gpa
was the king of flowers and i always
loved his gardens, ammie took after him and
has a BEAUTIFUL yard of her own.
i want to be like them!

i also panted pots, hanging pots, some bushes,
my back yard and a small vegi garden.
i can't wait until we plant a big garden
next year. i love love love seeing what grows,
and picking it and eating it! there is something about
garden fresh vegis!


  1. I love your house!!! Super cute. You must post pictures of the inside:)

  2. your house is adorable. i love all the work that you two have put into it.

  3. cute house. i can't imagine leaving our house yet either. it will be a sad day.
