Tuesday, July 19, 2011


jordan is 27 today! so here is 27 reasons why i love him.
1. he is good to me.
2. he is very handsome.
3. he motivates me.
4. he loves his family.
5. he is a great doggy daddy!
6. he is so cute with kids.
7. even though he hates it, he plays games with me.
8. he is a good cook.
9. he's committed.
10. he works hard.
11. he makes me laugh
12. he ran 28 miles last night. what? yeah that is more then a marathon. him and a friend have the same bday. so since jo is turning 27 and logan is turning 29 they decided to split and run 28. CRAZIES! Logan ran 18 and had to call it quits but jordan ran ALL 28. even though i think he is a nut, i am very proud of him. if he sets his mind to it he'll do it!
13. he knows how to make me feel better
14. he helps with the laundry
15. he accepts my crazy OCD cleaning ways.
16. he admits when im right. it might take awhile but he does!
17. he went back to school.
18. he is a great photographer.
19. he is creative.
20. he has a nice bod!
21. he saves stray dogs running down the side of the rode.
22. he loves animals.
23. he lets me decorate. (however i want!)
24. he tells me that i am beautiful.
25. he's honest.
26. he is NOT a quitter.
27. he loves me.
happy birthday babe. i love you so much. hope today is the best!

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