b. is getting so so big. i honestly can't believe how much he's grown just this month. he wasn't really saying very many words before the last few weeks, now he's talking up a storm. a few words, mama. he has been able to say mama for a while now but lately he has been saying it a ton! oh how i love hearing it! when he wakes up he yells "mama" when he needs something he says "mama". he also started saying .. barney, farm, da (dad) gramma, grandpa, yiya, ipad, food, banana, cheese. i know i am forgetting some. he loves loves loves to sing. he can sing.. twinkle twinkle, itsy bitsy spider, down on grandpa's farm. i seriously can't get over his cute little singing voice. ALSO, he has been sleeping so much better!!! i prob just jinxed myself! he usually goes to sleep around 9 and either sleeps until 630 and has a bottle, then goes back to bed until 830 or he will sleep until 830 without waking up! omg. its crazy. i still wake up because its so weird that he is all the sudden sleeping better. he's getting so good at shooting his basketball in his little hoop! he loves to kick the ball as well, he's so coordinated and kicks really really well. he can hit the baseball, he can even hold the ball in his had and throw it and hit it. he's a freak about balls. which is good, i think. i sure love him and i love watching him grow and learn new things.
this is our traditional picture, we try and take as often as possible after bath time. it seems like now that we have 3 to bathe its harder to get even one picture. usually by the time everyone is dressed at least one boy is crying. 3 kids is WORK! how does anyone have 5 kids????
here's cute matthew helping me with my jewelry. he loved trying on all the necklaces. he made sure to tell me which ones he like and which he didn't!
little walker is getting bigger. he's smiling and even laughing a little! he is really patient, he is good to go with the flow.. most of the time! he only cries when he is hungry or really tired. he really likes the swing and the toy thing that sits on the floor (i can't remember what its called!) he only likes the jumper for a few minutes and then he is over it!
j plays soccer on monday's. when the games are a decent hour me and b go. b loves to run around like crazy and see jordan running around. the games are usually at 10pm.. why? who over 25 stays up that late? not me!
and because i wish i was eating this right now.... me and jordan have fallen deeply in love with all you can eat sushi and i want to eat it every night. seriously spicy upside down shrimp are SO GOOD! try it!
and, though my life is pretty much the very same on a day to day basis, i love it. jordan is really really good to me and is always working so hard to give me the things that i want. and beckett is THE best! he makes me feel so good inside. i sure love this little family of mine.
until next week.