Wednesday, December 21, 2011

its about time i get caught up!
i hate that i am not a good blogger. i feel like i have every intention of blogging every event, i even take a lot of pictures.i decided instead of making a post for everything since i have like 10 events i would like to post, i am going to do a quick re-cap of all and vow to be better.

we went to long beach on a little vacation. we ate, slept, ate, went to the beach ate and went to an angels game. we ate at our favorite mexican restrau
rant like 6 times and we were there for 4 days! it was so fun and just what we needed.

i promise we have our swimsuits on!!!

maybe the yummiest mexican food ever!

good job to jordan who ran his second marathon. he killed his last time and i am so proud of him!

we went to tiburon and it was delicious! when you have a little extra money you should go. i kept saying this is so good and the next course would co
me out and it was so good too! mmm...

jordan and i ran wasatch back in june of this year and decided to run las vegas because we got a fun medal for running both. i can't even believe i ran another ragnar because i told everyone that i would never do it again. its hard and you get no sleep and you have to ride in a car FOREVER... i wouldn't say this was fun until after its goal was to finish without walking and i did it!
leg 1 about 3 miles. feeling good, glad to get this thing started
leg 2 about 5 miles. tired. had to run in the middle of the night. scared i would get eatin by wolves.
leg 3 7.7 miles. hated my life when i saw the first hill... h
ated it even more when i saw the next 2. thought i was going to die. if i remeber correctly the "map" showed no hills. cryed real tears when i saw the finish line. puked and pooped the rest of the night. TMI? oh well, just telling it like it was! i have always said that ragnar is harder then a marathon, jordan disagrees. ragnar is so exhausting in every way. you get no sleep, you eat crappy all day AND you are stuck in a car for hours. after the 26.2 i never felt the way i did after i ran those 7.7 miles. funny story, after crossing the finish line, getting our awesome saints and sinners medals and eating we went to our hotel to sho
wer and relax... no lie jordan and i were asleep in 3 minutes. i woke up still in my running clothes and on top of the covers.

as you know ammie may be the best grandma on
this earth. i love her and all she does for me. we had a little bday party for her at our house. it was super fun and i am so glad we could get together with the madsens.
we went to my mom and dads and boy was it delicious. it was a small affair this year but so fun!
i am so grateful for all that i have.

i hate that this is sideways. oh well. love my mama!

for the last year we have been having craft night once a month. i love it! here are a few things we have made in the last few months.

i made a really cute gobble and turkey but can't find the pictures.

i made the 3 trees with ribbon. bought the rest.