Sunday, September 11, 2011


there are not too many days that i remember like i do september 11, 2001.

i remember sitting in mr. martin's class 1st period. as we listened to the radio, we heard that a plane had crashed into one of the wtc towers, we all carried on talking lightly of the situation and the radio was turned off. as i walked to my second period (mr. bowman's math class) i had no idea what i was about to see on the tv. what i saw will forever be in my mind... the other tower hit, one starting to crumble. i was terrified. my class sat in silence. i couldn't wait to get out just to call my mom. i went to wendy's with my friend kelly, as she sat and ordered i cried and begged my mom to check me out of school. i totally thought utah was their next target. my mom wouldn't let me come home, she thought it was best if i stayed at school. i learned nothing at murray high that day.

i can't imagine how the people of nyc felt that day. i can't imagine getting a call from a loved one saying their plane had been hijacked or that they were stuck in a tower. i can't imagine fearing that i would never see my loved one again. and i can't imagine being in a plane or in a tower knowing that i was going to die that day.

this week as i have watched specials on every channel. i felt so much sadness for the families that lost so much that day. i cried as i read the stories about kids who lost their dads, and i hurt inside so much for those who never met them.

i am so very grateful that i live in this country. i love my freedom and i love each person that sacrifices to fight for my freedom. i am grateful that there are brave men and women that fight for our country, fight crime, go into burning homes or crashing towers to save their fellow man. they are my hero's.

it brings me peace to know that one day the evil of this world will no longer exist. that those who served that day and everyday will have a special place in heaven.