Wednesday, December 29, 2010

meet knox...

we got another dog, knox. yes we are crazy. knox is a great dane with a little mastiff, yes he is going to be huge. knox is very naughty and very hard. i think both me and jordan have felt a little overwhelmed at times but one day he will be such a good dog. he is really cute.
yes we love him.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving. I am so grateful for the life that I have. I am very lucky to have the things that I do and the people that know.

A little list of what I am thankful for..

My husband. He seriously is the best. He works so hard to give me the things I think I need. He is such a good budgeter, good thing because I am not. He is so patient with me and knows just how to deal with my moods! J can always make me feel good. J is such a good person and has such a good heart, he makes me better. He is funny, loving, honest and cool! I wish he knew how great he really is. I love his face. I am so very thankful he is mine and I am his. I can't imagine my life without him, being his wife make me so happy.

My family. I love love my Dad and Mom, Brother and Sister. I don't know how I got so lucky to have such a wonderful family. They are always there to support me and make me feel better. My mom and dad have been over countless times to help us paint and put together our little house. We couldn't have done it without them. And even though Markus and Mariah are so far, I feel so lucky to have them in my life. I love talking to them and hearing about their lives and how awesome they play. (Just a little shout out to Markus, He made 9 three pointers Saturday at his game.... WOW he's good!)

My in laws. The Bowden family has been my second family for a lot of years. I love each one of them. Kay and Bob have always made me feel so welcome in their family, they have always been there to give me good advice and they raised a great son. Each of the siblings in law are also so great! They each bring something different and good into my life.

My doggies. Sometimes I wonder how much I can love 2 dogs so much. I can't imagine our little family without them! Cohan usually has to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and I get up and take him, and I don't even mind. Cohan is very high maintenance, he is so athletic and always wants to be playing fetch. He is a really good dog though, he makes me happy. (I know there are people gagging right now... saying "he's a dog") And Bosty. He is such a good dog. He just likes to lay by you and have you pet his tummy. When J first got him we were playing with him by J's apartment. Boston got past me and was running down 9th east, long story short he ran onto the street and was inches away from getting hit. I am so grateful he didn't. Boston is really funny with bones, I really don't think he likes them but he likes to tease Cohan. B is so cute and his little stubby tail is so cute. Love them!

My extended family I have the best grandmas and grandpa. My ammie (grandma) is seriously so selfless and I love her. She is so talented and crafty I wish I was like her. My grandma beedee watched me for the first 6 years of my life while my mom and dad were at work and those days are some of my favorite memories. She makes the best food, I hope one day I can learn all of her secrets. My grandpa, is such a good grandpa. I don't think he would ever miss any of our games. He loves each of us and we know it. Jordan's grandparents are also so wonderful. Grandma Lund, is an amazing woman. She is such a good example to each of us. Grandpa Lund would do anything for his family. Grandma and Grandpa Bowden have always been so nice to me. They always give me a hug when I see them and I am so grateful for that. I have great cousins too... I used to see them a lot more which I miss. I have such good memories with them. I am so lucky to have little Victor as a cousin as well. I love him and he makes me so happy. I am so grateful for my family.

I have so many other things to be thankful for.

friends... I have the best friends
my job.... I love the people I work for and the baby I watch
my second job...
my cute house, love love love it!
our cars
hot water and the heater
my bed
food to eat
my wednesday night basketball league
God and Jesus

I am very blessed.


I really hate the snow. I would much rather it be 115 degrees outside. I feel like we have had so much snow already this year.... and blizzard 2010. HA. I had no idea they were predicting a "blizzard" until talking to Tasha and hearing that her work was closing early along with every other work place besides mine. Then I go to Walmart to get groceries for my boss, there were people there stocking up, one lady bought 6 gallons of milk. I guess we were suppose to be home bound for the following days. I kinda get a little nervous when I hear things like this are going to happen, Im a baby, I know. I was very happy with this huge storm!

This is me and J out shoveling our drive way (the first snow storm of the year)
... Yes, it took us 2 hours.
look at all that snow.
Cutest doggies ever! They actually like the snow as long as one of us is out there with them. They gallop through the snow and chase each other.

Love them!

Happy Halloween

WoW.... I know a little late! We rarely dress up for halloween but a couple friends talked us into it! This year I was a clown and Jordan was "white trash" lots of people thought he was Joe Dirt.

First we went to Jordan's aunt Laurie's house for her annual Halloween party. She made yummy soup and scones and there was great company!

Then we went to "snug fest" (a party at snug's house!) Everyone dressed up and we had a great time.

I took more pics of other people and their costumes but uploading them takes so long.. anyone have a way to upload more then one picture at a time. I suck at this blogger thing!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


monday night me, my mom and ammie went to gardener village for witch a palooza. it was a blast. witch a palooza is a play and you eat dinner while watching the show. it was so funny and i am so glad ammie asked us to go.

love these 2! i am pretty sure i have
the best mom and grandma!

the witches they put up at GV, are so
so so cute.

ha ha ha! when i found out there would be
no coke served with our dinner, i asked
the lady if we could bring one in! she
said yes!!!! since we were
a few minutes early we ran to the gas station.
yes... i have a problem!

if you have never been it really is
super fun and dinner was yummy!
while there we decided we are having
a girls night once a month! it was so
great to go with my mom and ammie,
wish mern could have come. we
missed her! thx am! love you.

this "witch" in the silver is witchy gaga!
my fav!! the show was about a warlock who
was turning 500 and had to find a witch or
he would turn mortal. his witch friend
tried to help him by bringing back all of his
girlfriends from the past.
(witchy gaga was one from the past)
each witch came in
and sang a song... good songs! loved
the show! go see it!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


These are a few of our engagement photos. We took most of them in Murray park and a few at an abandon building on State. I loved this day.

This was the picture we used for our announcements.

This is my favorite. I was originally going to use this picture
but a few people told me it looked like we were in a bathroom.
Oh well.... I loved how our invites turned out.

After I saw this one I called it the Twilight photo!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


We got married almost 2 weeks ago! I wish I had all my pics back but for now you just get an update. Our wedding day was perfect. Well worth all the stress I was feeling a couple days prior. Just so everyone knows I married the best most perfect man. I love him.

A long more detailed post with lots of pics coming your way very soon.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

St. George

Over labor day weekend we went down to st. george with our friends Mallory and Ken. We had so much fun. Mal and me have been friends for years, we met at Nordstrom and now have dinner dates with Crystal all the time. Us girls have always talked about getting together as couples but never seem to do it. Well, Crystal got married Aug. 27th. Jordan met Ken that night and it was instant friendship. We started talking about going to st george and the next day it was a plan! We went friday night and left monday morning, we stayed in mals moms house, it was so nice! We swam and ate and ate on Saturday. I really think we ordered everything on the cafe rio menu and 2 hours later we went to players grill and ate some more while watching the BYU game. Mal and Ken also introduced us to a new iphone game, words with friends, we are now addicted! Sunday we had a blast. We rented a jet ski and Mal and Ken used her dads, packed a lunch and headed to sand hollow. We love that lake, it reminds me of a very mini lake powell. Its beautiful. There is also cliffs there you can jump off of, Jordan, Ken and Mal all jumped once or twice. I didn't jump at all, I am a big wuss! After the lake us girls were in charge of getting dinner while the boys loaded and un loaded.... lets just say we had the house key too. So we really wanted Mexican food but couldn't find any open when we happen to come across a new little place. As we are looking at the whole fish with its eyeballs still in, on the menu, we started to get a little concerned but Mal wouldn't leave. So we then proceeded to order one of everything on their menu. 1 hour and 15 mins later we get our food. Yeah it took forever. So while we were waiting, the boys had loaded and unloaded both jet skis meaning dropping one off driving back to the lake getting the other one and driving it back to the house. When we got home they had been sitting in the car for about 20 minutes because we still had the house key! Surprisingly they weren't that mad! The food was good, not really worth the wait, but good. The rest of sunday we laid around and played our new game! We cleaned up and left Monday morning. We really had so much fun. Thanks Ken and Mal!!

Me & J by the pool

This is Mal & Ken

Love him. He is a
crazy jet ski driver!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Wedding showers are so much fun! We have been so lucky to have 3 showers over the last few weeks. We have gotten so many great gifts and we are so grateful to our friends and family for all they have done for us!

Shower #1.... AMMIES HOUSE

Ammie (my grandma) was so nice to give us a shower. I think we invited 40 people and 39 came. How great! We were seriously spoiled. I wish I would have taken a picture of our kitchen after we loaded everything in, it was full! Jordan couldn't believe all the things we received. This shower was a "FIRSTS" shower.... meaning everyone had a first theme like first cleaning day, first baking day, first halloween..... loved it!

I didn't take one picture with Ammie at the shower
at her house so this will do! She really is the
best!! She is doing so much for my wedding and I really
really love her even more for it!

One of our many presents!
I loved this shower, we got such a variety of fun things!

Thanks to everyone that came.
Miss her. I am so glad she got to
come to at least one shower!

Jordan came towards the end
to help load all the stuff home.

Shower #2.... ELAINE'S House

Elaine (Jordan's Aunt) opened up her house to the Bowden/Russell side! First of all she made the BEST homemade cafe rio salads ever! mmm!! Thanks to Laurie for the yummy pork and Kay for the delicious black beans. And to Jennie who made super good cake! This shower didn't have a theme, however we still got loads of great things to feel our empty house.

my mom, me and ammie..
im so glad they came!

Cute Molly and Alex

Thanks to all the girls who came and for
the wonderful gifts.

Angie made this cute card, she is the
best "scrapbooker" I know!

Opening presents...

Shower #3..... AMY'S HOUSE

My BFF Amy hosted my friends shower. We first met up at Olive Garden for some dinner, so good. I loved that we met up here with some of the girls who could make it! After OG we went back to Amy's and had treats that were tasty and so so cute. Amy had her house all decorated, I loved it! Thanks to all the girls for coming. We won't talk about the presents we got... oh who I love my friends!!

Thanks Aim. I really appreiciate such a fun shower!
I am so glad that we have stayed friends for so long.
love you.

Girls at OG! So fun!

A few of us waiting for the rest to arrive.

A few of the cutest decorations... I took other pictures of
the decor but can't seem to find them. Wendy made really really cute
labels for the carmel corn (if you look close you can kinda see it
behind the cupcakes) Amy hung some lingerie from a sting with clothes
pins it was so cute, what a great idea!

Some pics of some of the girls. I am
so glad that I have such great friends. Thanks to
everyone for coming it really meant a lot! Thanks
again to Amy for such a cute, fun shower!

WOW! We got so many wonderful things. I am so lucky to have such a great family in-laws and friends! Thanks to everyone that came and supported us in this special time, it means the world to us.. love you all!